for the girlfriend's viewing pleasure..
and this stupid survey is for women la!haha.make me do it.
and its not like yu listen to me all the time also what,heh. but now that i've done it yu cant harp on it anymore :P
11:04 PM |
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of the week past
from the moment i left college, i was deliberating between heading straight to mug for tmr's bio test, or come on to the net to blog, and now yu can obviously tell how much willpower and determintation i have when it comes to studying. hahaso there, questions answered? =)
and curse my needlephobic self when i heard that we had to take blood tests for the med screening. i cringed when i saw the needles and fuck i swear i cowered into my seat. it didnt help that one of the three 20-yr-old-looking medics claimed "KNN, first one miss!" - meaning that his first patient of the day had to take the blood test twice cuz he missed the vein on first attempt. it only made me more jittery.haha. thank my lucky stars i didnt get that medic,and when the-medic-with-better-aiming actually drew my blood i felt nothing. its not that it hurts(didnt hurt at all,really), its seeing the needle pierce through the skin that makes me feel like puking. injections are really REALLY SICK ok? ( and dont laugh, its called a phobia).haha.
ok back to where i was, for those of yu who've got to report too, dont worry la. its really nothing much. half the time was spent waiting around cuz its quite inefficient on the admin side, i gotta say. waste time. i left the camp at 845pm la. still thought can get a half day and sleep at home.haha!
i think the only part yu have to consider is the interview segment. the interviewer (a SSM) will ask yu whether yu wanna be a diver, so just be honest la. (training is apparently tough and damn xiong, so see whether yu want it or not)
want say yes. dont want say no. never thought about it then say dont know. simple as that.
i said i never thought about it, but wouldnt mind giving it a try since from young i wanted to be in the navy, for all the wrong reasons of course.heh. cause i wanted to be the submarine captain that looked through the periscope to spy on enemies above water. being a diver is just as good as fulfilling the chilhood dream :P
for those who really dont wanna get in, just tell him NO, straight in the face. and when he says, "if given an oppotunity?" just tell him no, yu wouldnt consider it anyway. but no one can guarantee whether this means yu really wont get into NDU also. cuz after all its mainly based on yur medical history, and not so the physical aspect of the tests or the interview.
besides, the clerk bringing us around told us that those who intentionally 1] swam super slowly, 2] pretended they couldnt see clearly, 3] did zero chinups or 4] jumped 1.65m for SBJ even though they can jump like rabbits, still got into NDU. ultimately its medical so dont try too hard to show them yu're not fit.haha. for all yu know, if they seriously consider the results from the vocational assignment, yur chances of getting into other units (e.g. OCS) might be equally screwed. yu know how anal the army can get right?haha. plus faking it would be really apparent.
thats it.hope this would help and save me on repeating myself again!
as the week came to a close on friday, we all headed down to downtown east for juling's birthday chalet!!!! (not after a 2 hour nap first la, i was SO tired!).
it was a chummy reunion, ok not so much of a reunion, cuz although the seniors have all graduated we see each other so much! thats the reasion why i love the band even more, the alumnis are so united and supportive, returning for every single event that the band still has, and even when there isnt any event at all!haha.
ok i have a problem of rattling off to irrelevant sidetracks. anyway, it was a chummy reunion and i thoroughly enjoyed myself! there was a pillow fight, and lots of other stupid things stupid people like us do. so ya! we really had fun la. plus as it got later and later, we got crankier and crankier, so it was pretty amusing, heh.
anyway blogger's being a bitch now so i cant upload the pictures from that night. shall post it sometime this week then. =)
then on saturday, sarah and i headed down to the scholarship preview at suntec where we got complimentary tickets, which turned out to be pretty much a waste of time.
there was this panel, where 5 scholars were seated with the host - 3 rjc scholars, another one from national and hwa chong.
so the host turns to the woman from rj, and asked " so how did yu do for yur A levels?"
to which the pissy prissy arrogant little bitch replied "oh i didnt get straight As, just A A A B only" *smiles in the most hypocritical fashion*
the host followed up asking, "so what did yu have to do to get yur scholarship then?"
and that stupid woman, who obviously wasn't giving any sound, useful advice to people like me still scoring DFF at midyears, retorted in the most unbelievably nonchalant manner, " oh i didnt have to do anything. after i got into nus, the scholarship offer came and all i had to do was to accept" *flashes another smile* - cringe
BITCH! hope yu get fucked by a horse and tear yur labia into shredded petals. okay, pardon the obscenity, but that obnoxious arrogant woman who's probably a half-breed with an elephant for a mother, deserves it. skin so thick, shameless! granted, she has the brains, but to that extent? pui! we(my classmates went too) were relating the incident to ms gill and she said that when yu go to uni there're bound the be people like that. bleagh. annoying brats.
okay, i know i really went on a tirade against rj the last time. that was in a moment of fury, and i really have nothing personal against their school. but this time the bitch deserves it. just happened that she was from rj again. too bad.
but all wasnt lost at the preview.. i picked up an application for the sph scholarship for journalism, though i probably wont get it la, and im quite sure because of an extremely "insightful" interview with smelly-labia scholar. but oh well, hope for the best la eh?
headed for dinner afterwards and i swear i will get lardier, after just losing weight over the holidays. ate at this hongkong teahouse place at bugis street, which served really yummy chinese food at reasonable and relatively cheap prices!whee! plus i still ate supper at newton la! confirm put on the pounds one!haha. on the flip side thoguh, im extremely content,heh.
ok that abt sums up my entry for today, shall post the pictures from juling's bday soon, as well as blog abt the exchange programme with meiden high, which i think have to be split into 3parts at the very least.
back to the books...
7:15 PM |
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they're going back at 930 later, terminal two....
7:09 PM |
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cards and wishes pt2
so i went to school the following day and i really was dying in lessons, having not slept since thursday morning. i dont know why, but despite the extreme sleepiness after blogging, i didnt go to bed, but scoured around online from blog to blog instead.hahapaulina working on a caricature of ms sia thats not meant for public viewing. the caricature's really stupid and retarded(cuz pok and i were masterminds,haha), sorry ms sia!
and zhengyi talking to donovan cuz the stupid idiot went home without writing in the card. he forgot MS SIA's bday. haha`drawing pok and yan cuz our pics dont have them :( better than nothing la.haha
the back of the frame. now yu can see the card taking some shape..haha. anyway i chose the blue-green theme cuz its the same as newurbanmale!
and that's about a third of where i shop naturally i like the colours.haha.
after grabbing a whole stack of magazines from the library that absolutely NO ONE reads, we cut out little alphabets and stuck them in the frame.
thats huiks acting cute.haha!
and when yu run out of glue?... haha. ok seriously i threw that piece away. we used glue and only glue. thats the end pdt! not bad, i must say! must praise myself for being so good at this card-making thing. haha!
tadaa! and thats the front! a true work of art, with alot of effort and sincerity! =)
adding the finishing touches after sookun and sarah came back from whitesands with the ribbon...
and after everything's done, there's always the group shot =) (after zy wakes up, at least. see his sleepy eyes.haha)
the same people who baked kenny's cake, by the way.haha =)
so after we were done in the canteen, the six of us headed upstairs to the hall where the band was rehearsing for saturday's concert with meiden high. oh yeah, the jap band reached earlier in the afternoon on friday and they were so cute, but we'll save that for another time ok? haha..
the people bringing in the cake for the woman :P
oh, happy 47th! birthday ms sia. we know age doesnt matter cuz yu're so young at heart right?! HAHA!
and juling baked this fantastic looking+smelling cake for ms sia! its orange and cranberry cake with cookies and muffins on the side. yum! juling, yu bake the best pastries in the band, school and world can! thanks for always bringing little muffins and cookies and all during band practices that saved us from hunger! haha.
note:: if yu guys wanna order pastries from juling, a little advertising will be up soon (:
thats all guys! out!
7:32 PM |
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cards and wishes
the raw materials!
colouring the huge ORANGE i miss art in secondary school :'(
have i told yu guys that i loooove the smell of colour pencils and crayons?i dont know why, but it started since kindergarden, especially with crayons..when they make yur fingers all sticky n nice to smell =)
and in it goes into the card/framewhatever yu wanna call it..haha
the little card for our personal messages =) the spirally thing is cut from a postcard!haha. its good to have a few hundred postcards for yur collection.never know when it comes in handy (:
open the heart and yu see personalised msges!..erm, just that the rest havent written yet.haha
the hands-ons
stupid printer has no more ink! jialat!
ahh, the card is severly incomplete but fatigue is catching up so fast i cant continue.shall complete in school tmr instead.haha. plus i've still gotta make a trip down to whitesands to get the ribbon and stuff,and i end at 505!
hmm but maybe i can make the lardmonster go with sarah, since she ends earlier.haha.yeah ok, i'll do that =)
3:24 AM |
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cheap thrills
my name is jocelyn and i love hairy indian guys12:44 AM |
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noche arc en ciel
yu know, all my life i've thought that prom nights (ala graduation night) were a thing of hyped up anticipation and eagerness.
well thats until i saw the response for mj's prom night, noche arc en ciel(rainbow night. corny). the j2s seem remotely excited over this MAJOR event that has been projected as a promised night of regal glamour and uber-ecstatic fun. the response was lacklustre and it sorta kills the whole hullabaloo that surrounds prom night. whats the point of going anyway, if the people whom yu spent the 2years in college with arent going? what a downer,haha. but i guess i cant exactly blame them eh?
after all, 95 bucks is pretty steep if yur parents arent gonna come up with all that cash. and thats excluding the suit, the shoes, the hair, the accessories and what nots (and make-up for the girls, and confused guys?haha). it easily totals up to a couple hundred i bet, since everyone would want to look their best( and i daresay outdo one another), and as such naturally sucumb to the superfluous extravagance and unnecessary spending.haha
but i still think its all worth it =)
cuz all that cash would be extremely well-spent given the irreplacable memories prom night brings with it ((:
and after all its our celebration of the two years in college right? the time to reminisce our highs and lows and laugh over an extremely impeccable 10 course(or 8?) dinner from hai thien lo, some uber-famous cantonese restaurant with reknown asian chefs or smth. what more at the 5-star pan pacific (top 7hotels in singapore)?
imagine how resplendent it'd be - orange glow lights, professional entertainment n emcee, lots of cam-whoring and the unforgettable memories it'd bring. plus yu get to see yur friends all grow up before yur eyes in an overnight metamorphosis! nerds become cuter and the prettys get prettier. n i will look damn good also la, of course! ok thats shameless, but... do away with the geeky specs, the faces painted the make-up and the sky-blue uniform traded for stunning dresses and tuxes. god, it'd be super.
hmm.. lets just hope everyone sees prom night the way i do =)
all that talking abt this year's prom night made me dig out the photos of my prom night 2 years ago! god those were the days man, and prom nite for the class of 04 sure as hell was fun. ah the memories! nostalgic.heh.
i remember almost everyone donning black, the uber-chic colour that never runs outta style. especially for formal occasions such as these glittery prom nights,haha. jooting and i, and damn i wasnt prepared,haha.
im sacrificing my reputation putting up such an unglam shot here,only because at that point of time i havent had my digicam yet and had to use the super budget film kind. so i dont have alot of photos to choose from,haha. mrs chow the ex-discipline mistress! she's smth like a ms lai -the BMW, the hair, and the she's-nice-but-im-still-scared-of-her kind. nevertheless she was an excellent teacher and caring mother. thanks for everything ma'am, though yu'd never see this!haha.
class of 4G!whee! gosh i love my class to bits!
we were super united and won like everything can? best sports class, cleanest classroom(or smth), best designed banners(2 consecutive for n'tnal day etc) and after 2years together, best class award! which got us $500 bucks for our aloha loyang bungalow,heh.
so shamelessly arrogant right?but they were divine, so they only deserve such mention!haha
see? everyone was in black!there's beatrice, haryati myself and julie,haha.
ema looks v different doesnt she? but looking good as always la right ems? though i look like disgusting n kiddy with all chubby face fat! eww.
as for the rest of the pictures, i looked too ugly for human eyes- sorry li, ours aint here although yu looked exquisite that night. and elfi(who was prom king!), i cant bring myself to put up our photo for fear of looking too average beside yu.haha! cheryl..i think yu'd rather i not put our photo here (heh heh) and the rest, i looked constipated and my smile so damn frozen the pics are never gonna see the light of day on this blog man. hahaha.
gosh the fun and excitement! =)
10:10 PM |
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but whenever yu're feeling in the rut there's always a friend who'll be there to pull yu outta it.
7:55 PM |
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embittered gone why hope failure regression optimism perhaps perseverance damn sucks uni believe faith shattered pathetic veil procrastinate dream break passion flat study if zero determination fly monotony countdown possible NBC reality lost passion disaster cant cave-in strong rain again falling mend notes burn As spark facade survive fuck silence fear reflected nothing shadows hesitate despair F extreme yes no drive tenacity zeal sleep
6:57 PM |
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god i miss them so much. i there's one thing that stands out in sharp contrast between the siglapians and meridians, it has to be the fact that i've got no inhibitions about being myself in front of them.
perhaps its because we've known each other for such a long time now, and have obviously have gotten past each others flaws and love each other for who we are, which is obviously the reason why we're still such great friends after 2years.
its a totally different atmosphere in MJ, friendships are undeniably more surface-deep, and i constantly fear being bitched about by my good friends behind my back, although thus far i havent heard of any YET, but that insecurity's still there la.
its obvious i adore those siglapians :D
i love the way we never studied till last minute
i love the way we never did our homework, never brought our homework, and never gave a shit when the teachers nagged about us not doing the first two.
i love how we screamed and laughed and made so much noise that people got irritated with us (which is still the case now, since the starbucks guy asked us to tone down cuz people were complaining, haha)
i love how we never cared what other people thought of us cuz we knew we always had each other.
i love the bitching sessions, it makes me laugh so bad,haha.
i love the sarcasm and smart-ass quips, our weird way of showing our affection for one another! (:
i love the lack of conservatism and openness to almost everything, especially sex (nyaha!)
i love how we can talk the whole day and not run outta topics, random as they may be.
i love how we cam-whore so much that the people around us start starring,haha.
i love our catchups at starbucks, they make me love yu guys even more each time
ah, i love yu guys!haha. man im missing so much stuck here in meridian ):
so anyway, yestrday was a real blast and im looking forward to our next catch-up guys. here're the photos i promised!
ema thinks she looks good here? yu reckon?? haha
happy three friends
the flea marketeers :D
e true cam-whores before keong n al came
the afghan woman who has no money fro bras or nipple-tape.haha!
yu've got us behind yu li, never forget that :Dending off with the blurred up multi-shots! extremely unglam, extremely fun :D
1:30 PM |
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"the worst batch in four cohorts"tell me why i hate the post mortems again? in the words of ms lai, yes my batch is now officially meridian's disgrace, worst than our dear juniors who're almost, i daresay insanely charged with vigor and zeal when it comes to studying - a generalization, of course, but there's truth in it, nonetheless.
so the papers arent back yet, but from the word thats going around we can gather this much. we did extremely badly(and for every subject while at that) - pathetic sky high msgs with an astounding mass of F-graders- and so the cycle of peptalks have only begun. fuckit man.
now ms choo did yu say "What's wrong with a meridian going to Harvard?"
now i must have heard wrong.
4:17 PM |
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oh here's a random video off the endless source of vicarious entertainment called youtube!
4:32 AM |
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give podolski another yellow and get the stupid hysterical germany coach outta my screen. he's like a raving monkey on the side, tsk.4:24 AM |
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finally trudged through the last week and alas,midyears ended today.what a bloody dreadful period the blasted exams was,eurgh. but now its done and as always, im dreading the post mortems even more than anything else.
9:35 PM |
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procrastination masturbation
12:32 AM |
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