so many things all clogged in my mind
5:12 AM |
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i just realised that the week just came and went like that, and despite the long break with monday as the only functional study day, i still havent completed all the tasks i set myself out to do.haha2:32 AM |
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i think the only reason this blog still exists is for me to upload the million photos i have. =)CAM_WHORE! ( REALLY actually tanner than alex!i refuse to say he's darker!haha)
in my room before squashing
ah!unprepared so make this idiotface,heh.
"(our) face's like chaocibai, I KNOW. but so what this is my blog i want to post (our) ugly photos so one day (maybe in ten years to come, or so) i'll be like omg i'm (ugly)"
a quote from armstrong which made me laugh SO hard when i read her entry abt ntnal day. n my sentiments exactly for this FUGLY pic(its not usually my practice to post gross pics on this blog, but this is too funny!!)
yalayala, laugh at us (or me) cuz we look so deformed like we all have >46 chromosomes sia.
see i told yu..haha.
cam-whoring while the other two played with each other *hinthint* inside.hahaha!
cam-whoring AGAIN.
and whilst playing squash downstairs, a little kitchen assembly was marinating food in my kitchen for the..
:D:D:D:D:D i love bbqs, and i love the council :D
the Council. number 3s! (sadly though, not everyone's here yet)
friends, family, workmates =)
van+ade helping out in the kitchen!
sadly i didnt catch the chef (ala mr hon) in action as he was being disgusting as always.haha.
pangker was helping too, but after i watched this i dont know if pk was more of a hassle than of help.haha. k im just being mean, punkie was so useful in the kitchen! :P
the first time i went to a wet market(at chinatown) with my mom in k1/2 i vomited real bad cuz i couldnt stand the smell of raw seafood. thats why i avoided my kitchen.ugh!
and then it started! at pit3 for 3rd students council! :D:D:D
haha.thats hand thingmajig is supposed to be like happiness. i guess we express ourselves differently la,hahaha
"R.E.S.P.E.C.T" -aretha franklin
thank yu so much mr yeow.words alone arent suffice to express the gratitude (:
cherio =)
dear and i :D:D:D lovelovelove!
CAM-WHORING like mad, trust the EVs to do that!haha :P
the robin bird and his perrenial victim.
haha.thanks for all the hardwork for the bbq yeah!
yu're the best! (sorry i need a sharper nose la,haha) :P
horsie and donkie!thanks for the lovely daily peanut butter+chocolate breakfast sandwiches that are 3/4 filling 1/4 bread! joycie ROCKS CAN!hahaha
the s206 councilors.
the sc journey was so much better with the both of yu with me along every step of the way! psychotrio rocks!
the wussies,haha
at the end of the day, i enjoyed myself tremendously,and i have to say this. .
we'll meet up again soon, as i know we will. i dont mind hosting once again!haha.
thanks for all the memories =)
2:53 AM |
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okay so tuesday was the national day celebrations and as ALWAYS, i've got photos aplenty to share with the rest of the world! :D:D:D:D:D:D
no, not our ct, just a reallyREALLY fun,amazing tutor n friend, ms K!
the Litguys from s206, save for kenneth n ryu who ponned.tsktsk.
lard n triglycerides!whee!
mus, the one who shone the brightest.thanks =)
the buddy, confidante, partner in crime! thanks kinky!
not the most synchronised, aesthetic performance. but it wins hands down as the FAVE item for the day!
erm.. mr yeow in a rather awkward moment?haha. and check ms yong out!so funny!haha.
Ms Gill! how can gp EVER be the same without yu? WE love barney!
mereith the junior who DOESNT look like me. please la he's better looking and doesnt have perfect eyesight lor.haha.
cinderella in orange.sweet. i think my ct's one of the hotter teachers in school!woohoo!
mich the loudhailer!
fellow bandit and sargasian, LISAfuad! whee! dont kill me!
the haha-girl(in the words of kim) who's sunshine all day! thierry hongry! (: classmates since i stepped into mj!
catherine and i!primary 5&6 classmates in maha bodhi! =) man , they silly things we did back then, so funny!
dear and i in the atrium (: what a juxtaposition of fashion and tradition.haha
OGmates in sargas3! charissa, the one who calls me asshole everytime she sees me,haha.
it was my nick name in sargas3, not cuz i was a jerk of sorts, nono, but cuz we all got named after bodyparts. there's nipple, left&right butt etc..haha
the old 05s215 from my 1st three months rocks cuz of crazy people like wenze!haha.
the lardies from 215 and band! =)
i just had to put it up!hahaha.sorry lex!
erm, jo? the bag abit out ah..haha. but we both look nice so i'll overlook the bagbit :P
from left: mr hon, pk,mus,pal,ali,ME,shuyi =)
went to play squash and had the sc bbq in evening but this entry already took SOO long.
so yeah, another day then!haha.or maybe later if i have time!
1:52 PM |
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